- 15904
- “25 Ways I Was Granted White Male Privilege After I Transitioned…”
- “332 litres of gasoline and oil are dumped over each and every one of the 49,000 kilometres of [snowmobile] trail …
- “600,000 killed in …”
- “A disagreeable reality …” – aurora linnea
- “All Men Need their Whores” Davina Squirrel
- “And I’ve had enough.” Speech by Sarah Field
- “And son? Take care of your mom while I’m gone.”
- “Clapping for your own erasure”
- “Factory workers guaranteed …”
- “Fixed” – recommended for men
- “For All Mankind” (an apple tv series)- absolutely appalling
- “Girls shouldn’t read any books written by men” – check it out
- “If my wife will let me.”
- “If you can’t trust me with a choice …”
- “If you’re feminine … “
- “In an ideal world, men would not be sexual offenders.”
- “Men need Sex” — a story about a story
- “None of the Above” Ballot Idea
- “Rape: leave it to men to …”
- “Royal Male”
- “Sexual harassment is primarily targeted at women who violate gender roles.”
- “So while white male US scientists can’t seem to figure out…”
- “Straight White Male: the lowest difficulty setting” – a brilliant metaphor by John Scalzi
- “The Adult Market”
- “The Fragile Male” – interesting reading
- “Unbelievable” on Netflix
- “We’re getting sick of noise pollution”
- “What is Wrong with this Picture?” a short feminist film script by Peg Tittle
- “What would I be …”
- “When people say ‘trans women are women’…”
- “Your body, my choice.” WTF?!
- “And son? Take care of your mom while I’m gone.”
- “Bear, because If I got attacked by a bear people would believe me.”
- “clear, coherent, willing, and ongoing”
- “Daddy, daddy, the house is on fire!” “Not now, sweetie, the game’s on.”
- “Daddy, daddy, the house is on fire!” “Not now, sweetie, the game’s on.”
- “Office Help”
- “The Adult Market”
- 10 Contradictions of Gender Ideology
- 13 Reasons Why: How to Make a Movie (and maybe Write a Novel *) without acknowledging the Elephant in the Room
- 13 Reasons Why: How to Make a Movie (and maybe Write a Novel *) without acknowledging the Elephant in the Room
- 40 Useful Concepts – from Twitter via Dead Wild Roses
- a couple poems from UnMythed, by Chris Wind
- A Fun Run
- A Gold Watch. Seriously.
- A great idea from Jodi Taylor
- A great point about legalizing prostitution
- A Great Twisty Faster post: “That can’t be sexual assault because it’s normal”
- A Jury of One’s Peers?
- A Law of Her Own: The Reasonable Woman as a Measure of Man, Caroline A. Forell and Donna M. Matthews
- A License to Parent?
- A Little Less Evolved
- A Little Less Evolved
- A Man Shaken by a Bomb
- A Man Shaken by a Bomb
- A Millennial New Year’s Resolution
- A must read –
- A New Three-Strike Law
- A Postscript to Why Feminist Manuscripts Don’t Get Published
- A sexy pout??
- A tale of two athletes – thanks to ovarit
- A woman in Milgram’s experiment
- A woman was raped. A man raped a woman.
- A wry smile for those over fifty or so
- about the truckers’ protest
- about trans’women’ competing in women’s sports
- advertising spending
- Against the Rape Shield
- Against the Rape Shield
- AI Indeed
- Air Bands and Power Point
- Algorithms perpetuate sexism …
- All White Male Panel Topics, Chris Hardie – from McSweeneys
- Among the things that don’t count …
- An addendum to Ghodsee’s Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism
- An Apartheid of Sex
- An End to War
- an interesting comment about the dominance of binary
- An Open Letter to Summer People Everywhere
- And again, and again …
- And here’s something else that would never happen to a man …
- And here’s something else that would never happen to a man …
- And here’s something else that would never happen to a man …
- And now for something completely depressing
- And the production of porn is not a hate crime
- And there it is again … this time in Rob Grant’s Colony
- Andrea Dworkin addressing an audience of about 500 men …
- Andrea Dworkin addressing an audience of about 500 men …
- another good bit from Tim Dorsey
- Another good piece re AI
- Another reason to hate men
- Another Tim Dorsey novel …
- Apologies Women Need to Make (McSweeney’s List)
- Appropriation or Imagination?
- Archive of feminist activism 70s-90s
- Arrogance, I think
- Arrogance, I think
- Arthur Jeon’s novel, Snowflake — a must read
- Artificial Intelligence Indeed (Ex Machina)
- As if getting good grades…
- Asking the Right Questions
- Assholes or Idiots (take your pick)
- aurora linnea on Ekman’s “On the Meaning of Sex”
- Baby Androids
- Balls, by Jass Richards
- Bang Bang
- Barbie – great post at gendertrender
- Bare Breasts: Objections and Replies
- Bare Breasts: Objections and Replies
- barely tongue-in-cheek bit from Grant Naylor
- Basketball, Gymnastics, Hopscotch, and Double Dutch
- because male feelings are more important than …
- Being Josh
- Being Josh (Monday Night Basketball)
- Being There
- Being Unprofessional
- Better than Speech Codes
- Blind to Natural Beauty
- Blood & Oil
- Boy Books
- Boy Books
- Boys will be Boys¸ Clementine Ford
- Bragging about being beaten
- Brilliant bit from Rageagainstthemanchine
- Brilliant Piece – “Little Women, Big Men” – check it out!
- Brilliant Sarkeesian
- Brunettes, Blondes, and Redheads
- Brunettes, Blondes, and Redheads
- Business in Denial
- Business Rules the World. Do we want it to?
- Business, Responsibility, and the Environment
- Calm down. Don’t think about— Don’t think.
- Can’t decide which is more appalling …
- Canada Day – Are you sure you want to celebrate?
- Canterbury’s Law
- Canterbury’s Law, The Good Wife, etc, etc, etc…
- Casual Day at The Office
- Catharine MacKinnon on words and images …
- Catherine – by chris wind
- Cellphone Syndrome
- Change the way we do business
- Chefs and Cooks: What’s the difference?
- Child Support Insurance – What an Intriguing Idea!!
- Chip Manufacturing and Global Warming
- Christmas Elves
- Christmas Elves
- Climate Change Disaster Movies
- Climate Records Broken in 2024
- College/University Students are Not Expected to Read
- Combining Family and Career
- Combining Family and Career
- Comedian Leo Kearse on Finnish Trans Figure Skater
- Congratulations!
- Countdown to Looking Glass
- Covering Viagra, But Not Birth Control
- COVID deaths – compared to …
- Crossing the Line
- Crying Rape for Regret
- Cultural Anarchy
- Dangerous Sports
- Data Centers are Sending Global Electricity Demand Soaring
- Date Preparation in a Male Supremacy
- Davina Squirrel on needing male allies
- Dawkins (and Monty Python) on the ‘human potential’ argument against abortion
- Death for Willy?
- December, Like It’s 1989
- Deformed Freak Born Without Penis
- Developing Authority and Being a Parent
- Developing Authority and Being a Parent
- Did men invent this?
- Digital Thought
- Dismissing Philosophers
- Do I hate men?
- Dolly
- Dolly (what’s in a name – for cloning)
- Dr. Frankenstein, meet Dr. Spock
- Drugs and Sports – What’s the Problem?
- Dynamic Pricing – didn’t know there was such a thing – oughtta be illegal!
- Dysphoric – “fleeing womanhood like a house on fire” – a four-part documentary series by Vaishnavi Sundar
- Educating Women to Reduce Over-population. Right. They’re the problem.
- Eggs
- Eggs and Chicken and Abortion
- Elizabeth May, Losing Confidence
- Entertain Me. Hurt him.
- Ethics without Philosophers
- Every day in every way …
- Every Man, Woman, and Child
- Every Man, Woman, and Child
- Everything turned into entertainment
- Examples of Western Privilege
- Excellent piece re PIV
- excerpt from Pornography and Civil Rights, MacKinnon/Dworkin
- excerpts from MacKinnon’s Women’s Lives, Men’s Laws
- Excerpts from The Uninhabitable Earth: Life after Warming, David Wallace-Wells
- Extrapolations – highly recommended
- Feminist Shakespeare, anyone?
- Fight Like a Girl, Clementine Ford – quotes and notes
- Figure Skating: A Very Gendered Thing
- First (and last) Contact
- First (and last) Contact
- Fiscal Conscription
- Food Fight Breaks Out in the House of Commons
- Football takes precedence over climate refugees
- for my brother, a poem by Chris Wind
- For your convenience, a sanitary receptacle is provided in this cubicle. You are requested …
- Freakonomics Indeed
- Freakonomics’ Big Revelation
- Free to be – Offensive (You are such an idiot.)
- Freedom’s just another word for
- from Amazons, Bluestockings and Crones: a feminist dictionary, a woman’s companion to words and ideas, by Cheris Kramarae and Paula A. Treichler
- from Climate Wars, Harald Welzer
- from Dale Spender’s Nattering on the Net — quotes and notes
- from Dark Orbit, Carolyn Ives Gilman – God is watching and buzzwords
- from David Brin’s “Detritus Affected”
- from Decisions and Dissents of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg – quotes and notes
- from Ejaculating Responsibly: a whole new way to think about abortion, by Gabrielle Blair – A MUST-READ
- from Greta Thunberg’s speech – wow.
- from Jack Holland’s A Brief History of Misogyny
- from Jeffreys’ The Spinster and her Enemies
- from Joanna Russ’ The Female Man
- from Joel Bakan’s The New Corporation
- from Rebecca Solnit’s Recollections
- From Romeo and Juliet to “Ass” and “Hole”
- from Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Transformative Opinions and Dissents
- from The Pornography of Meat, Carol J. Adams
- from The Wine of Violence, James Morrow
- from Three, Annemarie Monahan
- from Tim Dorsey’s Shark Skin Suite
- from We are the Weather, Jonathan Safran Foer
- Fuck you very much Utne Reader
- Funny but true … new dictionary …
- Funny how male violence …
- Games for Girls (Seriously? In 2012?)
- Games for Girls (Seriously? In 2012?)
- Garbage
- Gay Bashing
- Gender and Sex
- Getting Married
- Gibbon’s Decline and Fall, Sheri Tepper
- God and Abortion
- god is not Great – Christopher Hitchens
- God Promised
- God works in mysterious, inefficient, and breathtakingly cruel ways …
- God: The Quintessential Deadbeat Dad
- God’s To-Do List
- good bit from Graeber’s “Bullshit Jobs”
- Government Grants for Grad School
- Grade Ten History
- Great bit from The Onion
- Great bit from wwomenwwarriors
- great line from David Brin’s Earth
- Great piece from Babylon Bee – “I don’t want my skull fractured …”
- Great Post at “Not Sorry Feminism”
- Great scene from Shriver’s novel … disciplinary charges for threatening behavior…
- Great stuff from Stoltenberg
- Gretel, by Chris Wind
- Grey’s Anatomy, Flashpoint, and Who knows how many others (I don’t – and this is why)
- Grey’s Anatomy, Flashpoint, and Who knows how many others
- Grey’s Anatomy, Flashpoint, and Who knows how many others (I don’t – and this is why)
- Grocery Store Check-outs Now Gambling Casinos and …
- Guest Posts Welcome!
- Guns
- Gwynne Dyer (along with half the species) misses an obvious point
- Gwynne Dyer (along with half the species) misses an obvious point
- Handing Over Our Thinking to Algorithms
- Hank
- Harvard
- Have you noticed the way the weather is being reported lately?
- Having Kids and Having Religion
- Hearing from transmen about sexism
- Here Comes the Bride, by Chris Wind – CHECK IT OUT!!
- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED – Traister’s All the Single Ladies
- History, the News, Men, Women, Life, Death, Joy, Pain
- Homophobia – great quote
- How Being in Public Feels: Men VS Women – GREAT VIDEO!
- How many men are addicted to porn?
- How many specialists does it take to change a lightbulb?
- How many times?
- How to be Successful without Hurting Men’s Feelings, Sarah Cooper
- How to End War
- How to Make a Man Grow Up
- How to Make a Man Grow Up
- How to Negotiate a Raise (if you’re a woman)
- How to Write a Scientific Paper, Schulman – from the delightfully funny AIR
- Hunting
- Hunting – simply unjustified
- I am Eve – by chris wind
- I am Mary, Chris Wind
- I can do whatever I want on my own property!
- I can’t possibly be that strong
- I Don’t Have a Conscience
- I’m ashamed to be male.
- I’m being sued!
- I’m too drunk. No I’m not.
- I’m too drunk. No I’m not.
- I’m not a feminist. Feminism is so over. We live in a post-feminist world.
- I’m not a feminist. Feminism is so over. We live in a post-feminist world.
- Identity Politics vs. The Law of Identity
- If Laurel Hubbard was actually a woman…
- If men aren’t doing it, it’s probably not ’empowering’ or powerful.
- If men could get pregnant …
- If Michelangelo had been a woman …
- If women completed work based on their percentage of wages compared to men
- If you can’t say anything nice, maybe there’s nothing nice to say. Say it anyway.
- Imagine that …
- Impoverished (male) Scientists
- Impoverished Scientists
- In a late-breaking story, Caitlyn Jenner now says she’s black.
- In Commemoration of the Holocaust
- In Praise of AIDS
- In Praise of Dead Air
- Income Tax Deductions
- Inferior, Angela Saini
- Inner Peace
- Intelligent Design vs Evolution
- Internet access inequality
- Invisible Women, Caroline Criado Perez
- Is it true that some people can’t think?
- IT, AI, and Us
- It’s as simple as this – “Polluters do not …”
- It’s not poverty, stupid.
- It’s Long Been a Man’s World. Can Women Save It?
- Jaded, Ela Lee
- James White’s Sector General series
- Jane Clare Jones on Transactivism: brilliantly funny
- Jane Smith’s Translation Dictionary
- Jesus loves you … but
- John Mulaney on Drag Queens
- John Smith and his Biochem Cubes
- John Varley’s Dark Lightning
- Just discovering Bill Bryson
- Just out! A radfem novel!
- Kathleen Stock, Material Girls – a few quotes and notes
- Kept Women (and Men)
- Kept Women (and Men)
- Kids Behind the Wheel
- Kids Behind the Wheel
- Killing What You Enjoy
- Kim Stanley Robinson’s Ministry for the Future. A MUST READ.
- King of the Castle
- King of the Castle
- Knowing Less About AI Makes People More Open to Having It in Their Lives – New Research
- Knowledge? Truth?
- Ladies, It’s Your Fault – GREAT video!
- Land Ownership
- Language Matters
- Leadership?
- Leafblowers bad for the environment. Duh.
- Leigh Anne Jasheway – brilliant!
- Let me tell you how much I HATE MEN! (reblogged)
- Let’s Talk about Sex
- Let’s Talk About Sex
- Libraries: what are they and so what?
- Life as We Know It
- Life Imprisonment for Abortion – here in Canada!
- Like night and day indeed.
- Macho Music for the Mensa Crowd
- MacKinnon on free speech – so very astute
- Made for Men (and so made harder for women)
- Mainstream and Alternative
- Mainstream and Alternative – misnomers!
- Making Certain Words Illegal
- Making Fun of Rapists
- Making Kids with AIDS
- Making Kids with AIDS
- Making misogyny a hate crime — It’s about time!
- Making Taxes Gender-Fair
- Making Taxes Gender-Fair
- Male privilege
- Male Privilege: Case # 32,564,978
- Male vs. Female re sexual offences
- Man or Bear?
- Marriage: A Sexist Affair
- Marriage: A Sexist Affair
- Meghan Murphy’s “The Unbearable Coolness of Porn”
- Men against Abortion
- Men and Illegal Words
- Men and Words
- Men and Words (?)
- Men are allowed to …
- Men are Not Broken by IceMountainFire
- Men interrupt Women. Even when they’re Supreme Court Justices.
- Men Need to Reclaim the Moral
- Men Who Go Fishing, Jass Richards
- Men Who Hate Women: the extremism nobody is talking about, Laura Bates
- Men who need Mom to clean up after them
- Men who need Mom to clean up after them
- Men, Noise, and A Simple Request, Really
- Men, Noise, and A Simple Request, Really
- Men, take note
- Men, Women, and Fairness
- Men’s and Women’s Sports
- Men’s Precision Teams
- Men’s Studies Modified, Dale Spender, ed. (1981) – quotes and notes
- Men’s Precision Teams
- Mentoring
- Message to Amy Farrah Fowler: LEAVE HIM NOW.
- Mimicry?
- Miranda, by Chris Wind
- Misconduct of the Heart, Cordelia Strube – HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
- Misogyny: a clear case of projection
- More censorship re trans …
- more great Dawkins
- More insights about transgenderism, by Ruth Barrett
- More reasons not to celebrate being Canadian…
- Mother Teresa on abortion (she’s such an idiot)
- Mr. and Ms.
- My Job, My Self
- Needs and Wants
- Networking and Mentoring: Legitimizing ‘Connections’
- New – my list at Shepherd
- New and Improved
- No Advertising
- No Advertising in Public Space
- No Sex, No Dating, No Babies, No Marriage
- Noise Trespass
- Not a feminist? Feminism isn’t important?
- notes and quotes from Victoria Smith’s Hags
- Of Boys and Men, Richard. V. Reeves – Quotes and Notes
- Office Help
- Oh the horror
- On “hitting on”
- On “lurking”
- On activism and social change
- On advertising (again)
- On Being “Good for somethin’!” (or On Being Fuckable)
- On being wanted.
- On Demonstrations
- On Excluding MtFs from a Radfem Site
- On gender identity and changing your sex
- On getting paid. Or not.
- On marrying a man a few years older than you
- On politicians
- On Power Outages in the Middle of Nowhere
- On rape and being drunk
- On the Radfem Doctrine of Separatism
- On the Radfem Doctrine of Separatism
- On Volunteering
- on women having kids or not (from Joan Smith’s Different for Girls)
- One way to deal with it (sexism) (in science this time)
- Open Season on Women: More evidence of the pornification of our society
- Opinions, Judges, and Juries
- Opposition to the practice of sexual intercourse
- Our Androcentric Culture, Charlotte Perkins Gilman
- Our Christian Language
- Our gods
- Out with the literary canon?
- p.s. (the grounds for assuming a woman is a lesbian)
- Parents furious? Please.
- Pat Murphy’s “Motherhood” – well worth the quick read
- Paying Stay-at-Home Moms
- Paying Stay-at-Home Moms
- People Skills
- Permitting Abortion and Prohibiting Prenatal Harm
- Permitting Abortion and Prohibiting Prenatal Harm
- Philosophy – Misunderstood
- Picard … Seriously?
- Pirsig on religion
- Planning is Sinister?
- Pointlessly Gendered Products
- Police urge riders to use caution after second sexual assault by fake taxi driver.
- Political Science – A Costly Misnomer
- Politics in Government: The Problem with Representation
- Poor Little Kids
- Population Growth (i.e., rape)
- Porn for Women
- Porn’s Harmless and Pigs Fly
- Porn’s Harmless and Pigs Fly
- Portia – by chris wind
- Postscript to 13 Reasons Why
- Power or Responsibility?
- Prayer
- Pretty Frickin’ Amazing.
- Pretty, Katie Makkai
- Private Property and Visual Intrusion
- Profit and Loss – and You’ve Lost Your Marbles
- Proof of Sexism
- Property Tax
- Proposed Official Men’s Volleyball Uniform – Equality in Sport
- PTSD and Ethics
- Rain Without Thunder (movie) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
- Rape on campus…
- Rape: a men’s issue
- re cathartic value of porn
- re outdoor advertising – EXCELLENT POINT
- re women-only spaces
- reading Our Father, by Marilyn French
- Reasons You were Not Promoted that are Totally Unrelated to Gender
- Reducing sexism: non-binary sex and sex-neutral language
- Redundant Women
- Religion: Superstition and Habit
- Reporting What Women Do
- Reporting What Women Do
- Rereading Refusing to be a Man: essays on sex and justice, John Stoltenberg
- Responding to Wolf-Whistles
- Rethinking Nero and the Gas Chamber Accompanists
- Rising above Natural Selection
- Rules of Combat
- Sam Harris on Trump – WELL worth the read
- Says it all.
- School Crossing Signs
- School Crossing Signs
- Seems to be a bit heavy on the killing … Ya think?
- Sex and Gender Conflated
- Sex and Salespeople
- Sex and Salespeople
- Sex and So You Think You Can Dance
- Sex, like Religion / Religion, like Sex
- Sexism and Sports
- Sexism and Teaching: The Elephant in the Room
- sexual assault in the military
- She wanted it.
- Short Men
- Short Men
- Show a Little Initiative!
- Shriver on healthcare costs
- Size Matters – a short film collage
- SlutWalk: What’s the problem?
- SlutWalk: What’s the problem?
- Smartphones and Pictograms: A Regression to the Primitive
- Smile!
- Snowmobiles Rule – Only in Canada. Pity.
- Snowmobiles Rule – Only in Canada. Pity.
- So much time advocating heterosexual marriage
- So the problem is a lack of imagination?
- So you want to be a Nurselady
- So you want to be a Nurselady
- Social Experiment: 10 boys unsupervised; 10 girls unsupervised
- Solo Women’s Invisible Economic Expenses
- Solo Women’s Invisible Economic Expenses
- Some excellent insights about gender identity by Sharon Thrace
- Some great bits from Kate Manne’s Entitled
- Some great lines from Luke McKinney
- Some sports are just too dangerous
- something fundamentally male about escaping to Mars…
- South Park on trans sports … Hilarious!
- Speaking in Code
- Speaking Up
- Sports Competition, Sports Scholarships
- Sterilization: The Personal and the Political
- Sticks and Stones
- Stop Being Complicit in your own Subordination
- Suicide, Insurance, and Dead Sugar Daddies
- Supervisory Responsibility
- Surely, A Metaphor (for what’s happening to our planet)
- Surrogacy – Why Not?
- Surrogacy — Why Not?
- Swedish Cinemas using the Bechdel test!!
- Take Her Seriously
- Take Her Seriously
- Taking Tiddlywinks Seriously
- Tax Exemptions for Charitable Institutions
- Taxing the Rich
- Telling our Members of Parliament How to Dress
- Ten years later, she meets Dick, and he’s so –
- Testicular Battery and Tranquilizer Guns (what the world needs now is)
- Testicular Battery and Tranquilizer Guns (what the world needs now is)
- That said, I also hate women.
- The “M” word on Prime Time TV!!!! (Misogyny; Scandal)
- The 100, Madam Secretary, Code Black
- The Absence of Imagination
- The Academy Awards
- The Academy Awards – why sex-segregated for acting?
- The APA is so fucked up.
- The Arithmetic of Morality
- The Assistants by Camille Perri – highly recommended!
- The Authority Gap, Mary Ann Sieghart – A MUST READ
- The Baroness Von Sketch Show – MUST SEE!!
- The Brilliant Monty Python on trans …
- The Corporation – Joel Bakan
- The Default Male
- The Dialogue – by chris wind
- The difference between women and men
- The End of Men – Christina Sweeney-Baird
- The Evil of Touchpads: Menus
- The Freedom to Fail, the Right to Succeed
- The Freedom to Shop
- The Frightening Cluelessness of PoliSci Students
- The Futility of Teaching Business Ethics or Why Our World Will End
- The Gender of Business
- The Gender of Business
- The Grammar of Male Violence – quick perception-changing read
- The hardest part about being a woman…
- The Hawkeye Initiative – Go Take a Look NOW!
- The Hook (Up) – a short script by Peg Tittle
- The Hook-Up (a very short screenplay)
- The Illegality of Assisted Suicide
- The Last Man on Earth explains everything
- The Last Man on Earth explains everything.
- The Little Birdies
- The Little Birdies?
- The Male Privilege Checklist
- The Montreal Massacre (and Donna Decker’s Dancing in Red Shoes Can Kill You)
- The Mr. America Pageant (a short film script)
- The No. 1 Cause of Climate Change the Media Don’t Mention
- The Olympians
- The Other Sex
- The Other Sex
- The Overstory, Richard Powers
- The Part-time Ghetto
- The Pill for Men
- The Pill for Men
- The Political is Personal
- The Portrait, by Chris Wind
- The price of being a philosophically irresponsible idiot
- The Privilege of Men, Judith Mazzucco
- The Pro-Life Position You Don’t Hear
- The Problem with Business Ethics Courses
- The Problem with Content Filters
- The Problem with Democracy
- The Proverbial ‘Walking Alone in a Park at Night’
- The Provocation Defence – Condoning Testosterone Tantrums (and other masculinities)
- The Provocation Defence – Condoning Testosterone Tantrums (and other masculinities)
- The replacement of journalism
- The Revision of “Oh Canada”
- The Right to Life – a given?
- The Road to Hell
- The Rules of Misogyny
- The Sci Phi Journal!
- The Sexism Compensation Index (SCI)
- The Sexism Compensation Index (SCI)
- The Sexual Politics of Meat – Carol J. Adams
- The Silence of Descartes and Bacon
- The So-called “Adult Market”
- The Soaps vs. The Game
- The Soaps vs. The Game
- The Superbowl: knock yourself out
- The threats regarding Sarkeesian’s talk
- The Trouble with Trans
- The Waiting-for-the-Elevator Thing
- The Waiting-for-the-Elevator Thing
- The Weather Report
- The Wife
- There must be a disconnect.
- Things they’ll never tell you about basketball — and sexism
- things we — women — wouldn’t have without feminism
- This is Not The Truman Show
- This is your brain. This is your brain on oxytocin: Mom.
- This should be required reading for …
- This weather brought to you by…
- Three Rules, Phyllis Chesler
- Tim Dorsey, The Pope of Palm Beach
- Tina Fey on what’s supposedly sexy these days
- To all the men who
- To Connect
- To My Philosophy Professors – by chris wind
- To permit ignorance
- To the Morons who wear Make-Up
- To the Morons who wear Make-Up
- To the transwomen who insist they’re women …
- To Wail like a Brat – and Advertise
- Toddler vs Male CEO
- Toller Cranston on Janet Lynn
- Toller Cranston on Janet Lynn
- Too stupid to live
- Top Guns
- Trans describing (loss of) male privilege
- Transaction Taxes!
- Transgendered Courage
- Transsexualism is a problem only because sexism is a problem
- Trump’s Military Drops a Bomb Every 12 Minutes, and No One Is Talking About It
- Trust – the movie
- Trust – the movie
- Truth and Negotiation
- Trying to figure out people’s actions or thinking — banned on Reddit? WTF.
- Tubal Ligation vs. Vasectomy. Hm.
- Ugly, Fat, Hairy Feminists
- UnMythed (excerpts) – by chris wind
- Useless Humanities
- Vested Interests and Cancers
- Visionary?
- Vote? WTF?
- Walking Alone in a Park at Night
- War Rape
- We are tired. So tired.
- We Pay People who Pretend to be Doctors …
- We Won!
- WE’RE overly emotional, irrational, and angry. Right.
- Wealthy Americans – great piece at The Onion
- Wedding Leave
- Weizenbaum on AI
- Well-put, Charlotte Knowles
- Wendy Grossman on AI and ChatGPT
- Wendy Murphy on Equal Treatment vs Equal Rights
- What do you want me to say?
- What happens when men do the cooking and the baking?
- What harm does it do?
- What I learned about men by posting a ‘For Sale’ ad on Kijiji
- What if all news were written this way?
- What if it were convention …
- What we say is very telling
- What Went Wrong with Political Correctness?
- What’s in a word? (on being ‘knocked up’ or …)
- What’s so funny about a man getting pregnant?
- What’s so funny about a man getting pregnant?
- What’s wrong with being a slut?
- What’s Wrong with Power (a few preliminary thoughts)
- What’s Wrong with Profit?
- What’s Wrong with Selling your Organs?
- What’s in a Flag?
- When does the magical metamorphosis happen?
- When men are raped
- When someone tells you transwomen aren’t really a problem…
- When you support trans rights …
- Where are the independent (unattached and not seeking attachment) hetero women?
- Where did all the good guys go?
- Where will you draw a line?
- Whereas very few boys grow up looking forward …
- Who Owns the Water?
- Who should pay for housework?
- Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
- Whose Violence?
- Whose Violence?
- Why AI must be stopped now
- Why are cosmetics routinely sold in pharmacies?
- Why are women more religious than men?
- Why are women more religious, in belief and in practice, than men?
- Why aren’t there any great women Xs?
- Why Aren’t Women Funny?
- Why aren’t women funny?
- Why aren’t more men insulted by the low standards we set for them?
- Why aren’t we talking about the real reason male college enrollment is dropping?
- Why Do Men Seek Arousal?
- Why Do Men Spit? (and women don’t)
- Why Do Men Spit? (and women don’t)
- Why do you read the paper every day?
- Why don’t men sell sex?
- Why don’t we have professional jurors?
- Why Feminist Manuscripts Aren’t Getting Published Today – McSweeney’s List
- Why is honesty rude?
- Why is it they can’t even SAY ‘rape’?
- Why isn’t being a soldier more like being a mother?
- Why isn’t being a soldier more like being a mother?
- Why more men than women will die of the COVID virus
- Why Pornography Matters … Andrea Dworkin
- Why the fuck are ATVs, jetskis, snowmobiles still legal?
- Why Women are Leaving Law Firms
- Why won’t men shoot free throws like …
- Why won’t misogyny die?
- WLRN podcast: A Feminist Analysis of Christianity
- Women and networking, putting yourself out there (why we find it hard) …
- Women are presumed incompetent. (We know this.)
- Women delaying motherhood because the whole thing blows (The Onion)
- Women Discover Life on Mars
- Women have fewer rights than a corpse
- Women Now Empowered … GREAT ONION PIECE
- Women Writing Science Fiction as Men — why bother?
- Women Writing Science Fiction as Men — why bother?
- Women’s Fiction
- Women’s Locker Room Talk
- Women’s Soccer Team Paid 4X less than Men’s Team DESPITE …
- Women’s Work, Kari Aguila
- YAY Canada!
- Yeah. Maybe clothes aren’t the problem.
- Yeah. Women are afraid of thunder.
- You fought for our freedom? Um, don’t think so.
- You should do something about that.