I’ve reconsidered intent-based moralities. They’re bloody irresponsible. I’m giving new meaning to “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” (or maybe I’m just finally understanding it).
Intention-based moralities are for people too stupid or too lazy to consider the consequences of their actions. “But I didn’t mean to” is the cry of an idiot. (What did you think would happen when you put a firecracker in the dog’s mouth?) “I was only trying to help” is an attempt to absolve oneself of the burden of figuring out the effect one’s behavior has on others. (In what universe is that helpful?)
If you only meant to have a bit of fun, getting in your car drunk out of your mind and driving down the 401, if you didn’t intend to hurt anyone, well then, okay, you can go (you should go) — to hell.