[Obviously written a while ago, and yet … this shit keeps being said.]
Toller Cranston, as Janet Lynn takes the ice: “You wouldn’t know by looking at her that she’s a housewife and mother of three.”
Would he have said of Kurt Browning, “You wouldn’t know by looking at him that he does stuff around the house and is a father of three”??
I think not.
Clearly Cranston thinks that – well, I don’t know what the hell he thinks. That doing stuff around the house is somehow incompatible with – skating? I’ll grant that being a parent could deplete one’s energy to the point that maintaining an elite level of athletic performance is unlikely, but that would apply only if the kids were a certain age and only if one didn’t have any assistance – and it would apply to men as well as women.
I suspect he has some stereotype of housewife and mother in his mind that Lynn didn’t fit. Perhaps that of a ditsy simpleton or an unkempt troll.