“Why, and how, do we regard many men’s potentially hurt feelings as so important, so sacrosanct? [She’s just described the common instance of women agreeing to sex so as not to be rude.] “And, relatedly, why do we regard women as so responsible for portecting and ministering to them?” p59
“[Hoffman and Tarzian] found that men received more pain medicatin than women … [W]omen were more likely to be given sedatives instead of pain medication. … more minor tranquilizers, antidepressants, and non-opioid analgesics than men … [B]oys were significantly more likely to be given codeine; girls, acetaminophen …” p79 And then she quotes Hoffman and Tarzian” “Women who seek help are less likely than men to be taken seriously when they report pain and are less likely to have their pain adequately treated.” p80 Surprise, right? Women being taken less seriously than men? Men being taken more seriously than women?
“Such woeful ignorance of pregnant bodies has not deterred many of those who continue to try to regulate them.” p103 She’s referring to the guy who thought that ‘the female body had a way of shutting the whole thing down in the case of rape’. (Wouldn’t that be nice?) And to another guy who thought the stomach was connected to the uterus. She goes on to say “There are evidently many men who feel entitled to regulate pregnant bodies without having the remotest idea about, or interest in learning, how they work.” p105 So well-put.
“As Oberman and Ball put it: ‘The novelty of prosecuting men for abortion_despite the sound legal footing of such charges—tells us something important about the way we have, until now, framed the debate. Boys will be boys, but women who get pregnant have behaved irresponsibly. We are so comfortable with regulating women’s sexual behavior, but we’re shocked by the idea of doing it to the men. … women don’t have unwanted pregnancies without them.'” [p108-9, my emphasis]
“… men often prefer unemployment to taking on jobs in nursing (for example, as a nurse’s assistant), elder care, or working as a home healthcare aide.” p128 showing that “Even paid care work among men is strikingly unpopular. Guess what she’s said about unpaid care work …