Peg Tittle

Most commented posts

  1. Short Men — 64 comments
  2. Bare Breasts: Objections and Replies — 27 comments
  3. Why Do Men Spit? (and women don’t) — 26 comments
  4. Short Men — 19 comments
  5. Walking Alone in a Park at Night — 11 comments

Author's posts

from Dale Spender’s Nattering on the Net  — quotes and notes

According to 19th C feminist scholar Matilda Joslyn Gage, 9 million women were executed or burned for having knowledge—i.e., for being witches (p163) Wow.  Did not know it was that many.   “Had women ever  contributed to the design of roads and vehicles, there is no doubt that the entire system would look very different.  …

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Too stupid to live

Forest fires and heat waves all over the planet, so we need all the trees we have to absorb the CO2 that’s causing the forementioned forest fires and heat waves, and this guy cut down godknows how many trees then set fire to them in order to provide meat for those who still eat it …

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John Mulaney on Drag Queens

Some excellent lines, for example: “What is your notion of a woman based on?” “[re mean and rude drag queens] You could’ve stayed a guy if you were going to be an asshole about it.”   <

When you support trans rights …

Check L. Harris out: The Real Meaning of “trans-rights”

Misogyny: a clear case of projection

Misogyny is a simple and clear case of psychological projection, a defence mechanism whereby one denies the existence of a quality in oneself and instead attributes it to the other—’it’s not me, it’s you’.  Men hate that they want us, that their thought, their behavior, is so overwhelmingly and relentlessly occupied with wanting us.  Instead …

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Women’s Locker Room Talk

“One woman warning you about a creepy dude and a dozen other women chiming in with their own stories is our version of locker room talk.” Caitlin Kelly reposted from Says a lot, doesn’t it.  (And what’s men’s locker room talk about?)  

Pirsig on religion

“When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity.  When many people suffer from a delusion if it is called Religion.”  Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

more great Dawkins

 “If somebody announces that it is part of his faith, the rest of society, whether of the same faith, or anotheher, or of non, is obliged, by ingrained custom, to ‘respect’ it without question …” (Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion, p306)

Dawkins (and Monty Python) on the ‘human potential’ argument against abortion

“[T]he logical conclusion to the ‘human potential’ argument [against abortion] is that we potentially deprive a human soul of the gift of existence every time we fail to seize any opportunity for sexual intercourse.  Every refusal of any offer of copulation by a fertile individual is, by this dopey ‘pro-life’ logic, tantamount to the murder …

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Mother Teresa on abortion (she’s such an idiot)

“The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion.” Mother Teresa, acceptance speech for Nobel Peace Prize WTF?! Or, in Richard Dawkins’ words, “How can a woman with such a cock-eyed judgement be taken seriously on any topic, let alone be thought seriously worthy of a Nobel Prize?” (Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion)