Peg Tittle

Most commented posts

  1. Short Men — 64 comments
  2. Bare Breasts: Objections and Replies — 27 comments
  3. Why Do Men Spit? (and women don’t) — 26 comments
  4. Short Men — 19 comments
  5. Walking Alone in a Park at Night — 11 comments

Author's posts

On politicians

“John had become a national figure by the time he was forty.  This was because he was in certain positions and places: not becuase he was more than ordinarily competent, or had more than the usual grasp of public affairs …” “He was not respected in ways that matter, and he knew it.  He was …

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Where did all the good guys go?

Sometimes I feel like I haven’t grown up at all.  I didn’t get married; I didn’t have kids; I didn’t fall into any kind of career path.  Basically, I’m still doing what I did in my twenties: reading, writing, thinking, listening to music, and running/walking through the forest.  In short, my passions haven’t changed. But …

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Sexism and Sports

Watch the video:

How many men are addicted to porn?

How many men are addicted to porn?  We don’t know.  There are no visible symptoms.  No, that’s not true.  The visible symptoms are what we call normal behaviour.

Catharine MacKinnon on words and images …

“Words and images are how people are placed in hierarchies, how social stratification is made to seem inevitable and right, how feelings of inferiority and superiority are engendered, and how indifference to violence against those on the bottom is rationalized and normalized.” Only Words, p.31

Why are cosmetics routinely sold in pharmacies?

That’s it. That’s my post. Any answers out there?

Proof of Sexism

Read this: Men have no idea how hard daily life is for women.  Women have no idea how hard daily life is for them either because they don’t know how easy it is for men.  Everyone should reverse for a week.  At least online.  If you’re male, use a female name; and if you’re female, …

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Did men invent this?

So I’ve been talking with my friend about the effect on the internet (and computers in general) of the overwhelming male influence (the high percentage of male ITers, coders, what have you) and simultaneously formatting the blog-comments sections of my forthcoming novel Gender Fraud: a fiction and I realize the ‘reply’ design (widgets?) for comments …

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What we say is very telling

Men are Not Broken by IceMountainFire

A must read: