Category: environment

Extrapolations – highly recommended

It’s on AppleTV.

The Overstory, Richard Powers

from The Overstory, Richard Powers … eyes toward the wilderness … [He] sees slabs of light through the trunks where there should be shadow all the way to the forest’s heart.  … [He investigates then] stumbles back through the curtain of concealing trees … “Have they been clear-cutting, up the valley?” … “Shit, yeah.” “And …

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It’s as simple as this – “Polluters do not …”

“Polluters do not deserve to live.  That’s the first thing children are taught: Do not foul the life system.”  from “Touchdown” by Nancy Kress  

Too stupid to live

Forest fires and heat waves all over the planet, so we need all the trees we have to absorb the CO2 that’s causing the forementioned forest fires and heat waves, and this guy cut down godknows how many trees then set fire to them in order to provide meat for those who still eat it …

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Great bit from The Onion  

And again, and again …

“… highest population density” (p57, Climate Wars, Harald Welzer) should read “… highest frequency of men fucking women”. “a dramatic rise in population figures” (p63, ditto) should read “a dramatic rise in men fucking women”. I see this again and again  and again …  This stork/cabbage patch theory of the origin of life.  It’s like …

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from Climate Wars, Harald Welzer

“If one were to imagine the ‘go on as usual’ strategy at the level of individuals, one would immediately think of a sociopath who has no problem consuming seventy times more than anyone else while largely relying on their raw materials — or someone who uses fifteen times more energy, water and food than the …

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Arthur Jeon’s novel, Snowflake — a must read

Snowflake (Arthur Jeon) should have been published by a major publisher and promoted with a huge budget, and it should be on every bestseller list by now.  That it wasn’t and it’s not proves Ben’s point. Some excerpts below …   [Author’s note: “The media headlines, tweets, and quotes are authentic.  And, as of 2020, …

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Another reason to hate men

Another reason to hate men: “By 2050 at the latest, and ideally before 2040, we must have stopped emitting more greenhouse gases [typically caused by the burning of fossil fuels]  into the atmosphere than Earth can naturally absorb through its ecosystems (a balance known as net-zero emissions or carbon neutrality).  In order to get to …

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from Joel Bakan’s The New Corporation

“There are no limits in the [Paris] accord on continued exploration and drilling or on tar sands exploration (which experts say could alone defeat Paris targets), pipeline construction, or hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”).  The accord contains no legally binding emission targets, no timeline for emission reductions, no enforcement mechanisms, no concrete regulatory proposals, and no plans …

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