Category: abortion

“Your body, my choice.” WTF?!  

If men could get pregnant …

“She glances down at the members of Parliament strolling in across the pea-green carpet below. Suits, bald heads, and shoes shinier than mirrors. The men who never in their lives had to worry about getting pregnant, dying in childbirth, or trying to access an abortion within their own restrictive system.” Looking for Jane, Heather Marshall …

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Eggs and Chicken and Abortion

  (thanks to Dead Wild Roses

Pat Murphy’s “Motherhood” – well worth the quick read

And it’s here:

“If you can’t trust me with a choice …”

“If you can’t trust me with a choice, how can you trust me with a child?” brilliant bumper sticker from The Onion


And sorry, can’t remember its source (and forgot to note it).

Dawkins (and Monty Python) on the ‘human potential’ argument against abortion

“[T]he logical conclusion to the ‘human potential’ argument [against abortion] is that we potentially deprive a human soul of the gift of existence every time we fail to seize any opportunity for sexual intercourse.  Every refusal of any offer of copulation by a fertile individual is, by this dopey ‘pro-life’ logic, tantamount to the murder …

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Mother Teresa on abortion (she’s such an idiot)

“The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion.” Mother Teresa, acceptance speech for Nobel Peace Prize WTF?! Or, in Richard Dawkins’ words, “How can a woman with such a cock-eyed judgement be taken seriously on any topic, let alone be thought seriously worthy of a Nobel Prize?” (Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion)

The Pro-Life Position You Don’t Hear

The Pro-Life Position you Don’t Hear.

(No title)

Recommended! A few quotes and notes: “… pregnancy as a proxy for punishment …” (p.x) But only for the women, even though the men are mostly responsible for causing the pregnancy (males have 100% control over ejaculation in a vagina; females have no control over whatsoever over ovulation and very seldom force a man to …

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