Category: sex

Covering Viagra, But Not Birth Control

“In response to the “informed consent” bill the Kentucky House passed on January 28th, which requires women to consult a doctor–by video conference or in person–at least 24 hours before having an abortion, Kentucky state representative Mary Lou Marzian proposed a rather tongue-in-cheek bill of her own: a law requiring women to approve their husband’s …

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Among the things that don’t count …

[Bernadette Powell, a black woman from Ithaca, New York, is now serving a 15-year-to-life sentence … because in 1978 she shot and killed her ex-husband.] [T]he Tompkins county prosecutor … argued … that [she] had no reason to fear bodily harm from her ex-husband because although the man admittedly had committed many violent acts against …

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from Dale Spender’s Nattering on the Net  — quotes and notes

According to 19th C feminist scholar Matilda Joslyn Gage, 9 million women were executed or burned for having knowledge—i.e., for being witches (p163) Wow.  Did not know it was that many.   “Had women ever  contributed to the design of roads and vehicles, there is no doubt that the entire system would look very different.  …

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What we say is very telling

Excellent piece re PIV

Well worth the read.

Brilliant bit from Rageagainstthemanchine

“Not to bring up Robert Jensen every three sentences, but he’s made a point that I find extremely salient when it comes to how porn affects women’s lives. If I have to go to court tomorrow, or I have to go discuss my career with my boss, or I have to work on a project …

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Tubal Ligation vs. Vasectomy. Hm.

Read Kacey Merced’s post here: Imagine.

“All Men Need their Whores” Davina Squirrel

Great post:

To the transwomen who insist they’re women …

If you believe sex isn’t binary, is a spectrum, why are you so insistent that you belong at the pole?  Why not just be a transwoman, someone between the poles of male and female, somewhere along the spectrum? Wouldn’t that make more sense? At the female end, we have people who are XX, who (still) …

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A great idea from Jodi Taylor

“Helen and I watched a short film about childbirth and it was so gruesome we had to turn it off. She had a stiff drink, I had a cup of tea, and we swore we’d never have sex again.” Jodi Taylor, The Long and Short of It (p181) But yes! That should be mandatory viewing—and …

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