Peg Tittle

Most commented posts

  1. Short Men — 64 comments
  2. Bare Breasts: Objections and Replies — 27 comments
  3. Why Do Men Spit? (and women don’t) — 26 comments
  4. Short Men — 19 comments
  5. Walking Alone in a Park at Night — 11 comments

Author's posts

Do I hate men?

Yes, generally speaking, I do. I hate the way they take up more physical space than necessary, sprawling over the confines of their chairs, elbowing the people beside them. I hate the way they take up more conversational space, speaking slowly, repeating themselves, and making irrelevant comments that derail the discussion. I hate the way …

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I’m too drunk. No I’m not.

According to the Canadian Criminal Code, (self-induced) intoxication is no defence against charges of assault (33.1): if you’re drunk, you’re still able to form the general intent to commit said assault. And yet, with regard to the sub-category of sexual assault, belief that someone is consenting is cancelled if that someone is intoxicated (273.1(2)): if …

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Ugly, Fat, Hairy Feminists

The reason most feminists are ugly, fat, and hairy is that most feminists are old.  That is, over forty. And there are two good reasons for this.  The first is that most living feminists became feminists in the 70s when it was ‘in the air’ and, therefore, easier to be convinced that women are subordinated …

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Combining Family and Career

People say that women can’t have, can’t combine, a family and a career, that it’s having family responsibilities that keeps them from advancement – the inability to work late or on weekends, the tendency to need time off to tend to kids… I’m not so sure.  I’ve never had such competing obligations, and I don’t …

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In a late-breaking story, Caitlyn Jenner now says she’s black. 

In a late-breaking story, Caitlyn Jenner now says she’s black. “Deep down inside, I’ve always felt like a black,” she confessed, smiling at the cameras despite recent surgery that has left her lips overly puffy.  Her nose will be widened in a subsequent surgery, and she has already begun skin dye treatments.  “I can’t wait …

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The Portrait, by Chris Wind

The Portrait, by Chris Wind (from Deare Sister)   My dearest Nannerl, Of course you have a right to be upset about the portrait. After all, you performed right alongside your brother; in fact, your father had the bills printed to read “Two World Wonders.” Two, not one. You were with Wolfgang on the 1762 tour …

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The APA is so fucked up.

Why Are Some People Transgender? an APA pamphlet [1] asks. Their answer?  “Many experts believe that biological factors such as genetic influences and prenatal hormone levels, early experiences, and experiences later in adolescence or adulthood may all contribute to the development of transgender identities.” Um, no.  People are transgender because they are intelligent and thoughtful enough …

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Some excellent insights about gender identity by Sharon Thrace

“[Gender identity] holds that ‘feeling like a woman’ (whatever that means) is the same as being a woman.  It’s a callous disregard for our lifetime of oppression, the limits placed upon our participation in society, the ever-present threat of rape we face.  It’s an erasure of the quarter of our lives we spend managing bleeding …

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More insights about transgenderism, by Ruth Barrett

“Imagine … “If the vocal trans majority had not chosen to focus their energy on re-defining women in their image, and instead proudly claimed themselves to be gender non-conforming men … “If they had not insisted on erasing our biology or their own in order to validate their gender identity, and instead acknowledged themselves as …

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Algorithms perpetuate sexism …

Check out this interview for a VERY enlightening (and scarey) interview about how algorithms are perpetuating sexism in its many, many, aspects: