Category: justice

about the truckers’ protest

If this is what (some) Canadians do when they have to wear a mask, imagine what’s going to happen when the consequences of global warming really start to hit us, when … they have to stand in line  not just for toilet paper, but for food – because, due to the increasing droughts, the loss of …

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excerpts from MacKinnon’s Women’s Lives, Men’s Laws

I’ve just finished reading yet another MacKinnon book, Women’s Lives, Men’s Laws, and as usual, it’s absolutely brilliant. The book is well worth a complete read; I paste below some perfect gems. (My used copy is marked DISCARD by the Porter County Library system. In itself, telling. Sigh.) Reading this now.  It’s heavy-going, but well …

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Hunting – simply unjustified

It’s hunting season again — moose for a week, then deer for two weeks — and I have yet to hear an acceptable justification. The animals are having enough trouble surviving because of what we’ve done, and what we’re still doing, to the forests.  And now you want to just go out and kill them. …

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When men are raped

When men are raped, as they often are in prison, does anyone ask them are they sure they didn’t want it?  Does anyone come even close to suggesting they asked for it, they are to be blamed for it?  Is anyone quick to add ‘alleged’ to the report?

Why Pornography Matters … Andrea Dworkin

My god, there’s something placard-worthy in every paragraph!! “Why Pornography Matters to Feminists” from Letters from a War Zone, Andrea Dworkin: Pornography is a n essential issue because pornography says that women want to be hurt, forced, and abused; pornography says women want to be raped, battered, kidnapped, maimed; pornography says women want to be …

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Men are allowed to …

“Men are allowed to set and have boundaries, they are allowed to say no. Women are not: we must be open-minded and inclusive to the point where we must say yes to everything. Yes to porn, yes to abuse, yes to prostitution, yes to lower pay, yes to dating men when we don’t want to.” …

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Sex and Salespeople

Given that the people who use washers, dryers, ovens, dishwashers, and the like are usually female, I find it puzzling that the people who sell these items are usually male.  Especially because it’s inconsistent with the rest of the sales world, in which men tend to sell things men use, such as hardware and men’s …

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The Sexism Compensation Index (SCI)

I suspect that even with today’s rigorous interview and job performance appraisal techniques, which require that all applicants be asked and scored on the same questions, multiple standards still interfere with merit as the sole criterion for hiring and promotion. How?  Well suppose the interviewers are asked to rate the candidates on ‘friendliness’.  On an …

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The Provocation Defence – Condoning Testosterone Tantrums (and other masculinities)

According to the Canadian Criminal Code (and probably a lot of other criminal codes), murder can be reduced to manslaughter if the person was provoked.  Provocation is defined as “a wrongful act or an insult that is of such a nature as to be sufficient to deprive an ordinary person of the power of self-control …

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YAY Canada!

– we’re barely in the top quarter when it comes to the gender gap in wages (we’re fourth worst) – we’re barely in the top quarter when it comes to the gender gap in health (it’s safer to be pregnant in Estonia than in Canada) – speaking of which, we’re one of the last six …

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