Category: ethics

South Park on trans sports … Hilarious!


Some great bits from Kate Manne’s Entitled

“Why, and how, do we regard many men’s potentially hurt feelings as so important, so sacrosanct?  [She’s just described the common instance of women agreeing to sex so as not to be rude.]  “And, relatedly, why do we regard women as so responsible for portecting and ministering to them?”  p59 “[Hoffman and Tarzian] found that …

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about the truckers’ protest

If this is what (some) Canadians do when they have to wear a mask, imagine what’s going to happen when the consequences of global warming really start to hit us, when … they have to stand in line  not just for toilet paper, but for food – because, due to the increasing droughts, the loss of …

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Killing What You Enjoy

So I saw an ad on the website of the far-too-nearby gun club for a book by one of its members (“The Gun Guy”) that “takes the reader through the joyful and humorous stories about life at the hunt camp, hunting culture, and the joys of nature and wildlife.” I wrote him a short letter: …

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Open Season on Women: More evidence of the pornification of our society

I live in a small lake-centered community about three hours north of Toronto, consisting of about thirty houses: about ten are occupied year-round; the others are occupied mostly just during the summer.  So, small neighbourhood. Over the past few years, I’ve experienced six instances of what I would call over-the-top insult.  Specifically misogynist insult. Man …

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from We are the Weather, Jonathan Safran Foer

Reason to stop eating meat (well, would’ve been that back in the 70s … now, well, it’s reason to accept the blame, to feel the guilt for our demise … ): “Globally, humans use 59 percent of all the land capable of growing crops to grow food for livestock.” (p79) “One-third of all the fresh …

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Picard … Seriously?

So I watched Star Trek: Picard, wherein he saves the day, and the future, for the creation of synthetic life.  A surprising move for someone so … intelligent. With respect to the creation of organic life … We have not been able to control how many we create. Our planet can comfortably sustain 2-3 billion …

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Business, Responsibility, and the Environment

The following is the introduction to Chapter 10, Business and the Environment, of my business ethics text, Ethical Issues in Business 2e, Peg Tittle (Broadview Press, 2016). I post it here, motivated by the recent astounding meltdown of the Greenland ice sheet, and the reports that the Alaska glaciers are melting 100 times faster than …

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Noise Trespass

We need a noise trespass law.  At the very least, the concept of noise trespass should be as familiar among the general population as physical trespass. Why is going onto someone’s private property without permission (physical trespass) considered a wrong?  Because doing so is intrusive (presuming a right to privacy) and potentially damaging.  The same …

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Private Property and Visual Intrusion

There should be regulations about what people can put on their private property that will be in view of their neighbours.  Even more than in public spaces, visual material on private property is not easily avoided.  If you put a swastika or a pornographic image on your garage door, and that door is right across …

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