Category: feminism

What if all news were written this way?

From the RadFem News Service the news, without the male-supremacist spin (LOVE that!) “Today, one Dr. Frank Ochberg, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Michigan State University and former Associate Director of the National Institute of Mental Health, reports for CNN that boys and men are responsible for almost all school shootings, consistently, around the world. …” Read …

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Let me tell you how much I HATE MEN! (reblogged) And here it is (in case it disappears): I’m a feminazi. I laugh at men, but not at their stupid jokes. I want to take away their porn—erm, sorry, I mean “free speech.” I won’t fuck them or flirt with them. I don’t find them interesting. I think they look like mutants. I hate…I …

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Great bit from wwomenwwarriors

From “It is my judgement in these things that when you see something that is technically sweet, you go ahead and do it, and you argue about what to do about it only after you have had your technical success. That is the way it was with the atomic bomb. I don’t think anybody opposed …

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Why is it they can’t even SAY ‘rape’?

Why is it they can’t even SAY ‘rape’? Ya gotta wonder. And here’s an interesting answer:

Dysphoric – “fleeing womanhood like a house on fire” – a four-part documentary series by Vaishnavi Sundar


Why don’t men sell sex?

Check this out:

from Dale Spender’s Nattering on the Net  — quotes and notes

According to 19th C feminist scholar Matilda Joslyn Gage, 9 million women were executed or burned for having knowledge—i.e., for being witches (p163) Wow.  Did not know it was that many.   “Had women ever  contributed to the design of roads and vehicles, there is no doubt that the entire system would look very different.  …

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Women’s Locker Room Talk

“One woman warning you about a creepy dude and a dozen other women chiming in with their own stories is our version of locker room talk.” Caitlin Kelly reposted from Says a lot, doesn’t it.  (And what’s men’s locker room talk about?)  

Catharine MacKinnon on words and images …

“Words and images are how people are placed in hierarchies, how social stratification is made to seem inevitable and right, how feelings of inferiority and superiority are engendered, and how indifference to violence against those on the bottom is rationalized and normalized.” Only Words, p.31

Proof of Sexism

Read this: Men have no idea how hard daily life is for women.  Women have no idea how hard daily life is for them either because they don’t know how easy it is for men.  Everyone should reverse for a week.  At least online.  If you’re male, use a female name; and if you’re female, …

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