Peg Tittle

Most commented posts

  1. Short Men — 64 comments
  2. Bare Breasts: Objections and Replies — 27 comments
  3. Why Do Men Spit? (and women don’t) — 26 comments
  4. Short Men — 19 comments
  5. Walking Alone in a Park at Night — 11 comments

Author's posts

“In an ideal world, men would not be sexual offenders.”

So I’m reading “Obviously, in an ideal world, men would not be sexual offenders … ” (“A Case for Feminist Self-Defence,” Thomas Nadelhoffer, The Philosophers’ Magazine 81) and I note the high bar: an ideal world.  And well, we all know, we’ll never live in an ideal world, so, I guess that justifies, excuses, explains … …

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Here Comes the Bride, by Chris Wind – CHECK IT OUT!!

Check out Chris Wind’s audio collage, “Here Comes the Bride”! Some other really good pieces on the same album!!  

“Office Help”

You can tell, when a job ad is titled that way, that they expect, or want, a woman.  Women help.  They don’t actually do a job, they just help someone else do a job.  So the someone else gets the credit.  And the big bucks and the benefits.  After all, you’re just helping out, you’re …

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Porn’s Harmless and Pigs Fly

The fact that ‘you’ claim porn doesn’t harm women is proof that it does.  Because such a claim indicates that you are so accustomed to seeing women sexually subordinated you think there’s nothing wrong with it.  Such a claim proves that that porn has skewed your perceptions so much you actually believe the women are …

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Chefs and Cooks: What’s the difference?

Used to be women did the cooking and the baking.  Then men starting getting into it.  And in theory, I have no problem with that.  In fact, I’m all for making everything gender-unaligned.  But now that men are in the kitchen, suddenly it’s important.  So important it’s being televised. And my god, the drama!  (And …

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Men, Noise, and A Simple Request, Really

I finally figured it out — why the men in my neighborhood react with such escalated lack of consideration whenever I ask them, politely, to limit their noise.  I’ve asked snowmobilers who are out racing around the lake and having a good time going VROOM VROOM to please just turn around a few seconds before …

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SlutWalk: What’s the problem?

1. SlutWalk was reportedly initiated in response to a police officer’s comment about not dressing like a slut if you don’t want to get raped. The underlying assumption is that one’s attire — specific items or style — sends a message. And indeed it does.  High heels, fishnet stockings, and a heavily made-up face are …

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Canterbury’s Law

When the pilot episode of Canterbury’s Law aired, I was really annoyed.  The main character was an intelligent, powerful woman (a lawyer).  Good.  Who is shown obsessing over her appearance, albeit grudgingly, wondering whether the color of her suit brings out her eyes.  Within the first hour, we also see her going to her husband …

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Developing Authority and Being a Parent

I’m wondering whether it’s just me or…whether most women who never become mothers simply never develop an authoritative manner.  Men have it from the get go: they are automatically thought, by themselves as well as by others, to be authorities, and early on, they develop both the habit of telling others what to do and …

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because male feelings are more important than …

“because male feelings are more important than women’s opportunities in sport …”  Indeed. Check it out: because male feelings are more important than women’s opportunities in sport