Category: men

from Jeffreys’ The Spinster and her Enemies

“As Dale Spender points out in Women of Ideas, women’s theory has been routinely dismissed and written out of history whereas men’s ideas have been called philosophy or politics.1 In no instance is this clearer than in the case of the feminist philosophy of sex that we will be looking at here. The contempt with …

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“Girls shouldn’t read any books written by men” – check it out

Great Post at “Not Sorry Feminism”

Great post at “Not Sorry Feminism” re men cleared of rape because the woman was “too masculine” to be attractive.  

How to Make a Man Grow Up

I was recently surprised to discover that in the U.S., men are required by law to register for the “selective service system”. Only men.  I thought women were allowed in their military now. And required.  I didn’t think they had ‘the draft’ anymore. When I expressed my surprise, hoping to engage someone in conversation, the …

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Balls, by Jass Richards

Hilarious!  Check it out:

Do I hate men?

Yes, generally speaking, I do. I hate the way they take up more physical space than necessary, sprawling over the confines of their chairs, elbowing the people beside them. I hate the way they take up more conversational space, speaking slowly, repeating themselves, and making irrelevant comments that derail the discussion. I hate the way …

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Men, Noise, and A Simple Request, Really

I finally figured it out — why the men in my neighborhood react with such escalated lack of consideration whenever I ask them, politely, to limit their noise.  I’ve asked snowmobilers who are out racing around the lake and having a good time going VROOM VROOM to please just turn around a few seconds before …

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Football takes precedence over climate refugees

People are fleeing for their lives from North and South Carolina, but there may not be enough rooms in hotels because — football.  Apparently there’s a (male) game scheduled for play and (mostly male) people have come to watch. Clear evidence of the male obsession with competition having a stranglehold — wait, the hurricane itself …

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“The Adult Market”

What’s adult about forcing someone to do something she doesn’t really want to do? What’s adult about doing sexual things to children? What’s adult about humiliating another person? What’s adult about hurting another person?   We should call it what it is.  The psychopathic sociopathic misogynist market.  The sick fucks market.     (I’d intended …

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The Grammar of Male Violence – quick perception-changing read

Read this (takes a couple minutes) and your perceptions will be forever changed: