Category: gender issues

Why Pornography Matters … Andrea Dworkin

My god, there’s something placard-worthy in every paragraph!! “Why Pornography Matters to Feminists” from Letters from a War Zone, Andrea Dworkin: Pornography is a n essential issue because pornography says that women want to be hurt, forced, and abused; pornography says women want to be raped, battered, kidnapped, maimed; pornography says women want to be …

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Men are allowed to …

“Men are allowed to set and have boundaries, they are allowed to say no. Women are not: we must be open-minded and inclusive to the point where we must say yes to everything. Yes to porn, yes to abuse, yes to prostitution, yes to lower pay, yes to dating men when we don’t want to.” …

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Andrea Dworkin addressing an audience of about 500 men …

“…why are you so slow? Why are you so slow to understand the simplest things; not the complicated ideological things. You understand those. The simple things. The cliches. Simply that women are human to precisely the degree and quality that you are. “It is an extraordinary thing to try to understand and confront why it …

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Crying Rape for Regret

Regarding the view that women ‘cry rape’ when they regret having had sex, let’s concede for a moment that that’s true.  The concession begs the question: why do so many women regret having sex? Even if it turned out to be a mediocre experience—if the man wasn’t very good at it, due to lack of …

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Great Post at “Not Sorry Feminism”

Great post at “Not Sorry Feminism” re men cleared of rape because the woman was “too masculine” to be attractive.  

Just out! A radfem novel!

JUST OUT from Lacuna! A philosopher, a psychologist, and an extraterrestrial walk into a chocolate bar…  a novel by Jass Richards It’s kinda an extended argument for radical feminism.  And very funny. Here’s the blurb: When a self-appointed independent activist and her office-temp-with-a-doctorate buddy embark on a quest for a chocolate bar (a bar that serves …

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And here’s something else that would never happen to a man …

So this guy in our neighborhood has early Alzheimers and dizzy spells.  He’s looking for a babysitter (his word) and someone to cook for him and do his cleaning so he doesn’t have to go into a home.  And he asked me. I have no experience babysitting.  And absolutely no aptitude for it. Yes, I …

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How to Make a Man Grow Up

I was recently surprised to discover that in the U.S., men are required by law to register for the “selective service system”. Only men.  I thought women were allowed in their military now. And required.  I didn’t think they had ‘the draft’ anymore. When I expressed my surprise, hoping to engage someone in conversation, the …

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More censorship re trans …

Check it out –   WordPress censors GenderTrender; Gallus Mag responds.

Solo Women’s Invisible Economic Expenses

It really hit home when my father gave me twenty bucks for a pizza, his treat.  As if I were a teenager.  Instead of a 50-year-old woman with a mortgage to pay, property taxes,  and monthly bills for oil, electricity, phone, internet, tv, house insurance, car insurance…  Amazing.  He was sitting in my living room …

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