Category: feminism

A Postscript to Why Feminist Manuscripts Don’t Get Published

So here’s a query letter my friend Chris Wind sent to a publisher recently: Editor, [XYZ Publishers]: Feminist theorist Dale Spender wrote, in Women of Ideas and What Men Have Done to Them, “We need to know how patriarchy works.  We need to know how women disappear….”   Indeed we do.  Where are all the straight-A …

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Toller Cranston on Janet Lynn

[Obviously written a while ago, and yet … this shit keeps being said.]   Toller Cranston, as Janet Lynn takes the ice: “You wouldn’t know by looking at her that she’s a housewife and mother of three.” What? Would he have said of Kurt Browning, “You wouldn’t know by looking at him that he does …

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Why Feminist Manuscripts Aren’t Getting Published Today – McSweeney’s List  

How Being in Public Feels: Men VS Women – GREAT VIDEO!

The Academy Awards – why sex-segregated for acting?

Why is the acting category of the Academy Awards sex-segregated (Best Actor in a Lead/Supporting Role, Best Actress in a Leading/Supporting Role)?  We don’t have separate awards for male and female directors. Or screenwriters, cinematographers, costume designers, film editors, soundtrack composers, or make up persons. Is one’s sex really relevant to one’s acting ability? In …

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Women Now Empowered … GREAT ONION PIECE  

Things they’ll never tell you about basketball — and sexism

    Things they’ll never tell you about basketball – and sexism

The Hook (Up) – a short script by Peg Tittle

FADE IN: INT. BAR — NIGHT Crowded bar scene.  MAN and WOMAN do the standard flirting thing, he buys her a drink, they dance, then exit.  Their dialogue isn’t important — the bar’s too loud for us to hear much anyway.  But it’s clear that both are willing to engage in the sex that follows. …

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Pretty, Katie Makkai

Gender and Sex

Gender and Sex Do you know the difference? Do you understand the consequences of getting them mixed up? Do you understand the consequences of thinking they’re related?