Category: uncategorized

from Greta Thunberg’s speech – wow.

from her speech at the 2019 UN climate action summit in New York (just reading this now) (yeah, I know …) “You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing.  We are in the …

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COVID deaths – compared to …

It’s hard to get upset about 5 million people dying per year from COVID when more than twice that, 13 million, die each year die from air and water pollution. And over 120 million have died of global warming as of 2000 according to WHO. (Can’t find stats for since then.) Not seeing daily coverage …

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Knowledge? Truth?

So I went to get my COVID booster vaccine the other day, and I asked one of the attendants whether she knew the science, any statistical data, regarding my likelihood of experiencing side-effects (I’d had a rough go of it after the second dose and wondered whether I’d be in for the same with the …

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On being wanted.

Also while reading James Morrow’s The Wine of Violence… ” … a world finally wanted his ideas.” (p119) That stopped me.  Because even academia, not just the world at large, had never wanted my ideas.  Simply because they come from a female-embodied person. Maybe that’s why ‘love’ is so much more important to women than …

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You fought for our freedom? Um, don’t think so.

So I clicked on one of the embedded videos on a Facebook page supporting the truckers’ protest, and this young guy rambled on and on about how he fought in Afghanistan for our freedom …  Um, don’t think so. I was free before you went to Afghanistan.  I had freedom of thought, freedom of expression, …

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Freedom’s just another word for

Freedom’s just another word for ‘I can do whatever I want.’ Mature people realize that freedoms should be limited.  (Because otherwise assault would always be okay.) Now.  Let’s talk about reasonable and unreasonable limitations.

The Rules of Misogyny

Check it out here. (#2 is inspired by incels and #3, #4, #6, #8, and #17 are inspired by transgenders, for those who remain oblivious of what’s going on in those fringe-to-mainstream movements; the rest are and have been forever the case…)

New – my list at Shepherd

Check it out – The best books to make you think about gender (and sex)

Bragging about being beaten

A while ago, I saw a post by a woman bragging about her bruises … (should’ve saved the link, but I was just so … appalled …) In 1976, Women Against Violence Against women (WAVAW) protested and got the Stones’ billboard taken down (it showed a woman bound and bruised saying ‘I’m ‘”Black and Blue” …

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Women are presumed incompetent. (We know this.)

“As a man, you’re assumed to be competent unless proven otherwise,” she says. “Whereas as a woman you’re presumed to be incompetent unless proven otherwise.”  She gained authority and professional respect overnight. (Now if only we could hear from transwomen.  Hear them ADMIT that they LOST authority and respect overnight.)  (That they had no idea …

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