Category: uncategorized

Everything turned into entertainment

“Look at the world around you, David.  What do you see?  An endless theme part, with everything turned into entertainment.  Science, politics, education–they’re so many fairground rides.  Sadly, people are happy to buy their tickets and climb aboard.”  The Millennium People, J. G. Ballard


Read mention in a Lionel Shriver novel (The Motion of the Body through Space) about “white readers [the main, white, character read for audiobooks] pretending to talk like [members of] marginalized communities is ‘mimicry’ and … cultural appropriation” (p31). But I can’t help thinking that if she were not to use an accent other than …

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Invisible Women, Caroline Criado Perez

Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men is a must-read. (And although she soft-pedals this, surely the persistent failure to consider women is evidence of what they think of us: we’re unimportant, we’re not worth consideration. Or perhaps it’s simply evidence of their persistent failure to consider anyone but themselves. Either way …

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The No. 1 Cause of Climate Change the Media Don’t Mention

The No. 1 Cause of Climate Change the Media Don’t Mention another great piece by Lee Camp here.

Trump’s Military Drops a Bomb Every 12 Minutes, and No One Is Talking About It

Trump’s Military Drops a Bomb Every 12 Minutes, and No One Is Talking About It by Lee Camp – read the whole article here.

On advertising (again)

Advertising has gained such phenomenal power, it’s now allowed pretty much everywhere.  And because it’s allowed pretty much everywhere, it has gained phenomenal power. In fact, it has almost single-handedly destroyed the concept of public space because of its invasion of said public space with constant and loudly-proclaimed messages intended for private gain (not for …

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Trying to figure out people’s actions or thinking — banned on Reddit? WTF.

So in addition to all the radfem censorship on reddit … I posted the following on the AskMen subreddit: Why do men rape? That’s my question. Seriously. Why do men rape? I just wrote a novel answering that question, Impact, but I’d like to hear from men. (And perhaps should’ve posted here BEFORE I wrote …

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from The Wine of Violence, James Morrow

“On Earth, where his remotest forebears lived, a person could be indisputably responsible for the deaths of thousands and still go down in the history books as some sort of great hero. … Why, he wanted to know, were the names of Samson, Napoleon, Joan of Arc, Ulysses S. Grant, and Julius Caesar not obscenities, …

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Elizabeth May, Losing Confidence

“If I were inventing democracy from scratch, I would not have invented political parties” (p17). Yes! “Mindless partisanship insists on a team mentality. My team versus your team …” (p17). “Decisions are made on the basis of public opinion research far more than on the basis of policy analysis by the civil service” (p75). Yeah, …

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The Corporation – Joel Bakan

Well worth the read! (A surprising, but not, answer to what the fuck is wrong with our world? How have we gotten to the point of no return?)