Category: uncategorized

Male vs. Female re sexual offences

“Around 13,000 males are in prison for sexual offences compared to fewer than 150 females. “ (according to a post at about England and Wales) Says a lot, doesn’t it.

Trans describing (loss of) male privilege

This kind of thing makes me thing EVERY man should be trans for a year.

It’s Long Been a Man’s World. Can Women Save It?

Nicely written piece here: It’s Long Been a Man’s World. Can Women Save It? (Try to ignore the stupidly chosen second image; guess that’s what happens when google’s search engine practically DEMANDS images before it’ll rank your work …)

from Dark Orbit, Carolyn Ives Gilman – God is watching and buzzwords

“His belief system teaches that God is watching him every second, literally. Can you imagine the invasion of privacy?” (p32) Indeed. “That’s what buzzwords are. Tranquilizers.” “Thought suppressants, you mean.” (p33) Insightful.

Leafblowers bad for the environment. Duh.

“According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1997), as people across the United States re-fuel their leaf blowers and lawnmowers, they slop approximately 17 million gallons of gasoline onto the ground each summer, gas that seeps into the water we drink and evaporates into the air we breathe. To put that number in perspective, the …

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Great scene from Shriver’s novel … disciplinary charges for threatening behavior…

An excerpt from Lionel Shriver’s The Motion of the Body through Space The whole tribunal, wherein an older white man is “hauled up on disciplinary charges for threatening behavior and racially and sexually aggravated assault”), indeed the whole chapter, is WELL WORTH the read. *** REMINGTON: Just because she felt threatened doesn’t mean she was …

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Archive of feminist activism 70s-90s

For those of you who weren’t born yet … Rise Up: a digital archive of feminist activism You don’t need to reinvent the wheel.

Internet access inequality

Sent this letter to Rogers, don’t expect a reply, but thought it worth posting here .as well ..   Hello Rogers: I have just discovered your Internet 25 plan whereby people can get 450GB/month for a mere $70.  I live three hours north of Toronto; the only plan available to me is 7GB/month for pretty …

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Examples of Western Privilege

A list well worth reading: 25+ Examples of Western Privilege

Funny but true … new dictionary …

Jane Smith’s Translation Dictionary of Everyday Lies, Insults, Manipulations, and Clueless Comments NOW AVAILABLE and FREE TO SITE VISITORS (just send a request, specifying your preference of epub or pdf) Jane Smith is a character In my novel A Philosopher, a Psychologist, and an Extraterrestrial Walk into a Chocolate Bar (blurb below). And she started …

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