Category: literature

“Girls shouldn’t read any books written by men” – check it out

Just out! A radfem novel!

JUST OUT from Lacuna! A philosopher, a psychologist, and an extraterrestrial walk into a chocolate bar…  a novel by Jass Richards It’s kinda an extended argument for radical feminism.  And very funny. Here’s the blurb: When a self-appointed independent activist and her office-temp-with-a-doctorate buddy embark on a quest for a chocolate bar (a bar that serves …

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Miranda, by Chris Wind

from Soliloquies: the lady doth indeed protest, by Chris Wind   Miranda   Why has she no mother? Why have I no mother? Nor Ophelia, Portia, Kate, Cordelia, Hermia, Indeed, none but Juliet? I’ll tell thee: ’Tis an obsession with the male. Consider Prospero, my good father, ‘The male as authority’— For ’tis to you, father, …

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Catherine – by chris wind

Catherine, by Chris Wind (from Snow White Gets Her Say)   That you don’t recognize me by name is but the first of my complaints about my tale. Oh you know me alright. I’m the main character—in a tale titled with the name of one of the men in the story. But what’s in a …

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a couple poems from UnMythed, by Chris Wind

from UnMythed, by Chris Wind   Narcissus   she unwraps the traditional gifts: first, the brush-comb-and-mirror set, pale pink marbling with gilded edges— they lie heavy in her hand; then the jewelry box, gold and cream lined with velvet— it plays “Fascination” the new thirteen-year-old hands them back to her mother and says “Narcissus was a …

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Brunettes, Blondes, and Redheads

So the other day I started reading iron shadows by Steven Barnes.  He’s apparently a bestselling author.  Which is really disturbing. Because four sentences in, he describes a woman as “a small wiry brunette”.  Seriously?  Does anyone actually identify women by their hair colour any more?  That’s so—1940s.  Isn’t it?  I check.  The book’s copyright …

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A Postscript to Why Feminist Manuscripts Don’t Get Published

So here’s a query letter my friend Chris Wind sent to a publisher recently: Editor, [XYZ Publishers]: Feminist theorist Dale Spender wrote, in Women of Ideas and What Men Have Done to Them, “We need to know how patriarchy works.  We need to know how women disappear….”   Indeed we do.  Where are all the straight-A …

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Why Feminist Manuscripts Aren’t Getting Published Today – McSweeney’s List  

Boy Books

Boy books. You’re thinking The Boys’ Book of Trains and The Hardy Boys, right? I’m thinking most of the books I took in high school English. Consider Knowles’ A Separate Peace. Separate indeed. It’s set at a boys’ boarding school. The boys are obsessed with jumping out of a tree. This involves considerable risk of …

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Our Androcentric Culture, Charlotte Perkins Gilman

So I’m reading Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Our Androcentric Culture…(yeah, same Gilman who wrote The Yellow Wallpaper and Herland…both highly recommended) – a few bits below… “Advocates of football, for instance, proudly claim that it fits a man for life.  Life–from the wholly male point of view–is a battle, with a prize.  …This is an archaism …

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