Brilliantly done!
Category: feminism
Oct 15 2022
Why more men than women will die of the COVID virus
(I posted this way back in April of 2020 at, but thought it worth transferring to this blog) (as I’m doing for so many other posts) (hence the recent proliferation of overtly feminist posts) Why more men than women will die of the COVID virus: 1. Cleanliness is a girl thing. Real men …
Oct 10 2022
The hardest part about being a woman…
Reposted from ovarit (if you’re not aware of, you should be!)
Oct 09 2022
The End of Men – Christina Sweeney-Baird
Just read The End of Men, Christina Sweeney-Baird – well worth the read, one of several notable bits: [She pretends to be infected] “I have never felt so powerful. This must be what men used to feel like. My mere physical presence is enough to terrify someone into running. No wonder they used to get …
Oct 06 2022
Meghan Murphy’s “The Unbearable Coolness of Porn”
A simple but stunning observation: “… paying for sex is coercive – we all know that when people want to have sex with one another, they do it for free. No one needs to be paid unless one party is not enthusiastic about the sex.” Read the whole thing here:
Sep 22 2022
“Men need Sex” — a story about a story
So I wrote a story, “Men Need Sex.” I started with the mistaken, but wide-spread, belief that men need sex (PIV). Mistaken because, unlike food, water, and oxygen, without sex, you don’t die. Then, ‘inspired’ by Roger Elliott, I thought, ‘What if?’ What if men really did die if they didn’t get sex. I postulated …
Sep 20 2022
Women delaying motherhood because the whole thing blows (The Onion)
A must-read.
Sep 15 2022
from Three, Annemarie Monahan
two good bits from Three, Annemarie Monahan “How long did it take for you to realize that men as a class raped women as a class?” “‘Women are just as bad as men.’ As bad as men? Tell me, if women act the same as men, where are the bodies piled? Where are the masses …
Aug 30 2022
“Unbelievable” on Netflix
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!! A feminism-informed examination of rape from point of view of police (female) and, to some extent, victims (as interviewed). Single series drama with eight episodes. Passes the Bechdel test (and more) with FLYING COLOURS!!!
Aug 25 2022
Hearing from transmen about sexism
“From no longer having to worry about being attacked on my way home at night, to being taken seriously when I talk (just because everyone assumes I was born with a penis), life’s a breeze compared to when I was living as female.” Why are trans men always left out of the conversation? “It wasn’t …