Category: feminism

Just out! A radfem novel!

JUST OUT from Lacuna! A philosopher, a psychologist, and an extraterrestrial walk into a chocolate bar…  a novel by Jass Richards It’s kinda an extended argument for radical feminism.  And very funny. Here’s the blurb: When a self-appointed independent activist and her office-temp-with-a-doctorate buddy embark on a quest for a chocolate bar (a bar that serves …

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Making Fun of Rapists

Big words confuse them.  They think ‘No’ means ‘Yes’. They have no sense of direction.  They confuse running away with running toward.     They have a questionable understanding of basic biology.  They think they need sexual intercourse.  (Like, what, if they can’t stick their dick into some woman’s vagina, they’ll die?  Wouldn’t that be nice.) …

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And here’s something else that would never happen to a man …

So this guy in our neighborhood has early Alzheimers and dizzy spells.  He’s looking for a babysitter (his word) and someone to cook for him and do his cleaning so he doesn’t have to go into a home.  And he asked me. I have no experience babysitting.  And absolutely no aptitude for it. Yes, I …

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More censorship re trans …

Check it out –   WordPress censors GenderTrender; Gallus Mag responds.

Solo Women’s Invisible Economic Expenses

It really hit home when my father gave me twenty bucks for a pizza, his treat.  As if I were a teenager.  Instead of a 50-year-old woman with a mortgage to pay, property taxes,  and monthly bills for oil, electricity, phone, internet, tv, house insurance, car insurance…  Amazing.  He was sitting in my living room …

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Balls, by Jass Richards

Hilarious!  Check it out:

All White Male Panel Topics, Chris Hardie – from McSweeneys

Check it out!

That said, I also hate women.

I hate the way they defer to men. I hate the way they expect a man to pay their way through life. I hate that they accept the privileged status that accompanies being married to a man. I hate that they sexualize themselves with make-up and clothing choices as a matter of routine. I hate …

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Do I hate men?

Yes, generally speaking, I do. I hate the way they take up more physical space than necessary, sprawling over the confines of their chairs, elbowing the people beside them. I hate the way they take up more conversational space, speaking slowly, repeating themselves, and making irrelevant comments that derail the discussion. I hate the way …

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Ugly, Fat, Hairy Feminists

The reason most feminists are ugly, fat, and hairy is that most feminists are old.  That is, over forty. And there are two good reasons for this.  The first is that most living feminists became feminists in the 70s when it was ‘in the air’ and, therefore, easier to be convinced that women are subordinated …

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