I especially liked the newborn giraffe comment.
(And of course the astute ‘equality’ argument and the point about who was ousted when he was chosen for inclusion, which to my mind, fully justifies the mockery.)
Apr 05 2023
If you believe sex isn’t binary, is a spectrum, why are you so insistent that you belong at the pole? Why not just be a transwoman, someone between the poles of male and female, somewhere along the spectrum? Wouldn’t that make more sense?
At the female end, we have people who are XX, who (still) have a functioning reproductive system, who (still) have functioning breasts, who have a certain amount of estrogen coursing through their bodies, etc. Maybe a bit away from the pole, we have XX people who have had mastectomies, and a bit further, we have menopausal women who are no longer reproductive (good bye to all that!), and a bit further still, at least at the halfway mark, perhaps closer to the XY pole, we have people who are XY, who have a cosmetic vagina (it doesn’t lead to and from a uterus), cosmetic breasts (they don’t produce milk), and a certain amount of estrogen, and closer still to the other end, people who are XY, who haven’t had any cosmetic surgery, but who have estrogen …
Apr 04 2023
Apr 04 2023
Mar 30 2023
Mar 25 2023
I almost stopped watching this movie because ‘men are selfish stupid dicks’ is so very tiresome, but the women at the dinner scene (about 20 minutes in) made me keep watching.
Even so, men. I can’t believe how clueless they are. Do they really not know the difference between a vasectomy and castration? Do they really think it’s their orgasm that causes pregnancy and not the presence of even the tiniest bit of seminal fluid? Do they really not know that childbirth causes severe, often permanent, injury? Do they think women’s screams are just … hysterical? Exaggeration? (I swear, every thirteen-year-old should have to watch a film of childbirth. ‘Oh but that’ll ruin sex for me; every time I even think of having sex, I’ll think of that.’ Duh.)
Mar 23 2023
Mar 21 2023
Watched The Mad Whale yesterday. The description was something like ‘Lunatics at a women’s asylum put on a performance of Moby Dick‘. I was hoping to see an expose of historical treatment of women vis-a-vis madness and was not disappointed. But I was delighted, further, to see a couple other unexpected (shame on me!) exposes and some female heroism. (It’s free on Plex.)
Mar 20 2023
Mar 15 2023