Category: uncategorized

The Mr. America Pageant (a short film script)

The Mr. America Pageant, Peg Tittle (hoping there are some people out there looking for short feminist scripts!) This is a parody of the Miss America Beauty Pageants.  Basically, it’s a freeform collage of scenes (of indeterminate length – five minutes might suffice) similar to those one would see during the pageant, but all featuring …

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I am Eve – by chris wind

the first piece in Thus Saith Eve… I am Eve   the bad girl, the evil woman. I stand accused, and sentenced. Without a trial. For life. Because of my single action, millions of individuals have been born with ‘original sin’, have been guilty even before they acted, doomed before they started. I alone have …

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UnMythed (excerpts) – by chris wind

and now for something a little different, a couple excerpts from UnMythed, by chris wind   Macha   this one I’ll tell straight:   you were forced to race against a team of horses you were pregnant at the time you won then you died, giving birth.   but with that last great exhalation you …

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Christmas Elves

Generally speaking, I don’t do Christmas.  At all.  But when I see an ad in the classifieds for “Three female elves to work in a mall during the Christmas season”, well, I have to say something. And the first thing I have to say is, I don’t think they’re going to find any – male …

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The Sci Phi Journal!

Check out the Sci Phi Journal: a journal about science fiction and philosophy! Not just about though, there are many cool stories to read and think about…

Planning is Sinister?

In This Changes Everything,* Naomi Klein makes an interesting observation, intended to explain why we aren’t building the kind of economy we need: “… there is something sinister, indeed vaguely communist, about having a plan to build the kind of economy we need, even in the face of existential crisis” (125, my emphasis). Is that …

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Guest Posts Welcome!

Guest posts welcome; contact ptittle7 {at} gmail {dot} com.

Calm down. Don’t think about— Don’t think.

One day when I was talking to a neighbour about something that I wished we could do something about—someone tossing their garbage out of their car onto the road where we walk every day, someone letting their kid drive a dirt bike with no muffler throughout the neighbourhood, someone burning leaves and sending toxic smoke …

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Portia – by chris wind

Remember The Merchant of Venice? This is “Portia”, from Soliloquies: The Lady Doth Indeed Protest by chris wind, another one of my favourite authors. (posted with permission) If I’m the one with the property You’d think I’d be the buyer Not the bought; A lot of faith my father has in me: He distrusts my …

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On activism and social change

[an excerpt from The Road Trip Dialogues, written as Jass Richards]   So a couple hours later, they pulled into the main entrance of the university campus. There was no sign of the demonstration. There were no signs to the demonstration. “Gee, this is a really good way to get the media’s attention,” Rev said. “Don’t …

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