Category: sexism

Catharine MacKinnon on words and images …

“Words and images are how people are placed in hierarchies, how social stratification is made to seem inevitable and right, how feelings of inferiority and superiority are engendered, and how indifference to violence against those on the bottom is rationalized and normalized.” Only Words, p.31

Proof of Sexism

Read this: Men have no idea how hard daily life is for women.  Women have no idea how hard daily life is for them either because they don’t know how easy it is for men.  Everyone should reverse for a week.  At least online.  If you’re male, use a female name; and if you’re female, …

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Brilliant Sarkeesian

“In the game of patriarchy, women are not the opposing team. They’re the ball.” Anita Sarkeesian

If women completed work based on their percentage of wages compared to men

This is hilarious. And enraging.

Tubal Ligation vs. Vasectomy. Hm.

Read Kacey Merced’s post here: Imagine.

from Jack Holland’s A Brief History of Misogyny

(All quotes are from Jack Holland’s A Brief History of Misogyny) “It was a battle for the ultimate mechanism of control within a woman’s body—her reproductive cycle. For a woman, this right is the most crucial of all, and the key to achieving real autonomy.  Misogyn denies her autonomy; her subordination depends on the lack …

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“All Men Need their Whores” Davina Squirrel

Great post:

Like night and day indeed.

2 women entrepreneurs who invented a fake male cofounder say acting through him was ‘like night and day’ “It was like night and day,” Dwyer told Titlow of working through Mann. “It would take me days to get a response, but Keith could not only get a response and a status update, but also be …

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“What would I be …”

“What would I be if I didn’t live in a world that hated women?”  Jessica Valenti, Sex Object

One way to deal with it (sexism) (in science this time)

“When I go to a venture-capital group of only men,” Nacy said, “I do most of the speaking, and my chief business officer and I watch faces. If they’re incredulous about something I’ve said, he’ll repeat the same thing—and then it’ll be just fine.” Read the whole article here.