Category: uncategorized

Leigh Anne Jasheway – brilliant!

I’ve recently discovered the brilliant and hilarious work of Leigh Anne Jasheway. Her’s a great starting point: “20 Headlines from an Alternate Universe” But take a look through (ALL OF) her other posts!

“When people say ‘trans women are women’…”

To permit ignorance

“To permit ignorance is to empower it.”  Edmond Kirsch in Origins, Dan Brown

Well-put, Charlotte Knowles

“Women need to recognize that their husband refusing to do any childcare, cleaning, or cooking is not just a result of ‘cultural differences’, it’s a result of him being an arsehole.” “Living the Life of the Mind: General Strike? What About a Gendered Strike!?” Charlotte Knowles, The Philosophers’ Magazine 98 (2022)

MacKinnon on free speech – so very astute

“The free speech of men silences the free speech of women.” from Feminism Unmodified (1987)

10 Contradictions of Gender Ideology

repost from Dead Wild Roses James Esses :10 Contradictions of Gender Ideology  

from Ejaculating Responsibly: a whole new way to think about abortion, by Gabrielle Blair – A MUST-READ

from Ejaculate Responsibly: A whole new way to think about abortion, Gabrielle Blair [P]regnancy and abortion are not ‘a woman’s issue.’  men don’t play a minor or supporting role in pregnancy.  Men’s lifelong continual fertility is the central driving force behind all unwanted pregnancies.  [All.]  p8 We treat ejaculation as something that happens at random, …

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Tina Fey on what’s supposedly sexy these days

“Now every girl is expected to have Caucasian blue eyes, full Spanish lips, a classic button nose, hairless Asian skin with a California tan, a Jamaican dance hall ass, long Swedish legs, small Japanese feet, the abs of a lesbian gym owner, the hips of a nine-year-old boy, the arms of Michelle Obama, and doll …

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“The all-male club members of Pi Eta, whose members are Harvard undergraduates and graduates, received a letter in the 1980s that promised ‘a bevy of slobbering bovines fresh for the slaughter’ at their parties.  As Peggy Sanday explains, the logic of such parties (at which women are frequently raped, including at this fraternity) is ‘Its …

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Social Experiment: 10 boys unsupervised; 10 girls unsupervised

Check it out: