Category: popular culture
May 14 2017
Size Matters – a short film collage
Size Matters, Peg TIttle What if women were the taller sex? I suggest that this would make a difference in the power relationship between men and women. Ask any short man. This short film is a five‑minute (approximately) collage of scenes from ordinary life. That is, ordinary life reversed ‑ one in which women are …
Oct 18 2016
The 100, Madam Secretary, Code Black
If you haven’t yet discovered it, check out The 100 (available on Netflix). There are so many female leaders and principals! Clarke, her mother, Raven, Octavia, the three grounder leaders… And in one episode, not only does Clarke do something really difficult and really important with Finn, the camera ends with a close-up of her, …
May 22 2016
WE’RE overly emotional, irrational, and angry. Right.
“It’s funny to me, because of how often I’ve been called overly emotional, irrational, and angry for my feminist writings. But you know what’s interesting? I’ve never threatened to physically harm anyone. I’ve never sent a death threat, not once.”
May 12 2016
You should do something about that.
Imagine a collage of male body parts (of living men, that is — just now their whole selves), each with one of the following captions: Your legs are too hairy. You should do something about that. Your hair’s too thin. You should do something about that. Your butt droops. You should do something about that. …
Nov 07 2014
Men and Words
As a result of a recent exchange on a blog in which I felt insulted enough by the patronizing tone taken by the moderator that I decided not to participate any further, while another commenter (a male) responded with a mere “LOL”, I asked yet another commenter (also a male) why he thought our reactions …
Sep 07 2014
Not a feminist? Feminism isn’t important?
Just so you’re ready for the next time some woman you know says they’re not a feminist or they don’t think feminism is important or what have you…memorize feimineach’s reply: Really, feminism is a load of rubbish is it? How’s going to university working out for you? Looking forward to getting a job and earning …
Sep 01 2014
Stop Being Complicit in your own Subordination
Although our cautionary ‘Don’t blame the victim’ is very important in the context of assault, I think we have overgeneralized. And although I would certainly put more blame on men than on women for our sexist society, because it is men who are in a position of dominance, I do think women are often to …
Aug 17 2014
Reporting What Women Do
What if for just one year, the media reported 90% of the time what women were doing instead of, as is now the case, what men are doing? Not because what women do is better, or more newsworthy, but just to see how it would change our outlook, our world view. The news might be …
May 02 2014
Grey’s Anatomy, Flashpoint, and Who knows how many others (I don’t – and this is why)
Why didn’t Bailey get the Chief of Surgery position? For the same reason Ed jokingly says to Greg, when he questions his rank, “Should I get you a dress?”—and they both laugh. Because in 2012 being a woman is (still) (STILL!) (STILL!) (STILL!) being subordinate. I love that on Grey’s Anatomy,* so many main characters, …