More thought-provocations about everyday things: men who spit, guns, cell phones, the right to life, school crossing signs, inner peace, figure skating, grade ten history, sex, AIDS, christmas elves, first contact, soldiers and mothers…
Philosophy with attitude.
Because the unexamined life is dangerous.
Magenta 2012
Note to regular visitors and subscribers to “Bite-Sized Subversions” – More Shit that Pisses Me Off is a collection of new and previously posted subversions.
If you’d like an ebook version, it’s available in Kindle, Kobo, NookBook, and iBook, but you can download it as an epub or pdf right here! For free. (And here’s why.)
(If you’d prefer to read the pieces in paperback, you’ll need to purchase both Sexist Shit that Pisses Me Off [2e] and Just Think about It! [2e]—the pieces that address sexism are anthologized in the first-mentioned volume, the rest are in the second—and best to purchase paperbacks online where you can get a deal on the shipping.)
(And if anyone feels inclined to write some sort of reader response which I can post here and elsewhere, please do send it to me!) (And thanks!)