Category: work


Proof of Sexism

Read this: Men have no idea how hard daily life is for women.  Women have no idea how hard daily life is for them either because they don’t know how easy it is for men.  Everyone should reverse for a week.  At least online.  If you’re male, use a female name; and if you’re female, …

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If women completed work based on their percentage of wages compared to men

This is hilarious. And enraging.

Women’s Work, Kari Aguila

An interesting novel, worth the read! “Think about how different our world is going to be when this generation of boys grows up, having been allowed to grow into whole, good, decent men. Nobody is going to tell them that they have to go through life being some stupid caricature of masculinity anymore. They can …

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IT, AI, and Us

Like thousands of people, I recently received a message from Google: On May 30, you may lose access to apps that are using less secure sign-in technology To help keep your account secure, Google will no longer support the use of third-party apps or devices which ask you to sign in to your Google Account …

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On Volunteering

Ever notice that women, far more often than men, are expected to volunteer their time and their effort?  On the one hand, the implication is that women’s work has no value.  On the other hand, since they’re expected to do whatever it is, the implication is that it has considerable value (it needs to be …

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The Authority Gap, Mary Ann Sieghart – A MUST READ

As I was reading this book, I realized right away I wanted to post about it, so I started making a list of bits to mention, but very quickly there were just too many!!  So – A MUST READ.  This book is FULL of all the stats you ever wanted to support your personal experience: …

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Combining Family and Career

People say that women can’t have, can’t combine, a family and a career, that it’s having family responsibilities that keeps them from advancement – the inability to work late or on weekends, the tendency to need time off to tend to kids… I’m not so sure.  I’ve never had such competing obligations, and I don’t …

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The Sexism Compensation Index (SCI)

I suspect that even with today’s rigorous interview and job performance appraisal techniques, which require that all applicants be asked and scored on the same questions, multiple standards still interfere with merit as the sole criterion for hiring and promotion. How?  Well suppose the interviewers are asked to rate the candidates on ‘friendliness’.  On an …

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Paying Stay-at-Home Moms

Every now and then, we hear the proposal that women be paid to stay at home and be moms.  That women are paid to be surrogate mothers suggests that regular mothers also deserve payment.  So.  Should we pay regular mothers the same as surrogate mothers? For starters, who is this ‘we’?  Surrogate mothers are paid …

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So you want to be a Nurselady

And even though you don’t know any other guys who want to be nurseladies, you persist.  Because quite simply, you think you’ll like nursing, as a career, a job, an endeavour.  So you take your high school maths and sciences, you do quite well, and you get accepted into nursing school. Where almost all the …

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